
Showing posts from September, 2020

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 CHEMISTRY AND HEART CHOLESTROL- SOURCE- WAVEMAGAZINEONLINE What do we know about cholesterol or what is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that are needed to make some useful hormones and is found in our blood. Cholesterol is actually needed to build certain kind of cells, but the it's presence in large quantities can have harmful effects too. It comes from two sources, first, our liver makes cholesterol that we need, the other source is, it can be obtained from food which are derived from other animals. Now, there are two types of cholesterol- 1. LDL Cholesterol- LDL stands for "low-density lipoprotein". This type of parcel protein transports cholesterol from liver to rest of the body, high levels of LDL cholesterol leads to high chances of cardiovascular diseases. It is sometimes referred to as bad cholesterol. 2. HDL Cholesterol- "HDL" stands for "high-density lipoprotein". This type of protein transports cholesterol back to liv...


 In this blog, you can learn how architects use mathematics, geometry, other math principles like surface area(might be your favourite), volume, ratios. GEOMETRY is used everywhere in the world. It can be found from artworks to mobiles, laptops and to the large structures, monuments and buildings. Shapes are the building blocks in architecture. Below are some examples of Mathematics being used in constructing the world!!   LETS START- EIFFEL TOWER(The Triangular Structure) PARIS, FRANCE TRIANGLES are the strongest shapes when it comes to building large structures. The triangles are the strongest shapes because of their ability to hold large strength without snapping. If all the three sides of triangle are made equal, then it will be able to distribute the whole weight equally in a large structure.   The tower is 1063 feet(30,000cm) tall and its construction cost 7,799,401 French Gold Francs(10 crores) in 1889.  We know the history of the tower that EIFFEL TOWE...


  A threat refers to anything that has the potential to cause serious harm to a computer system. They can put individuals, systems or business computers at risk. Therefore, vulnerabilities have to be fixed so that attackers cannot infiltrate the system and cause damage. The list given below describes some of the similar threats- 1. DENIAL OF SERVICE(DoS) Attacks(DDoS) -  DoS attackers are those attacks that prevent the legitimate            users     from accessing or using resources and information. These types of attacks can steal all the     resources of     the system and can bring it to a halt state. Types of DoS attacks are- Denial of Access to Information:  Corrupting, encrypting or changing the status of information so that the information is not accessible to it's rightful user or owner. Denial of Access to Application: Forced shutting of an application as soon as the user opens ...